Monday, March 30, 2009

Busy Bee Natalie

Last night we got home from a weekend at St. George. We had a great time which I will add as soon as I download pictures. In the meantime, I thought I would write about our first morning back.

Little Natalie decided first of all to wake up at 4:00 AM. It took about an hour to get her back down, and for the next half hour, she was restless. So, mommy had just crawled back in bed when daddy had to get up for work. Because mommy was so tired when Natalie woke up at 7:00 AM, she decided to let her play for a few minutes in her crib. Big mistake!! Natalie was able to reach her brand new package of wipees and pull them out. By the time mommy got to her 10 minutes later, she had pulled out at least 30 in her crib.

That was our first escapade. After breakfast, Natalie found her favorite "Super Grover" (it's actually mine) shirt. (I should have clued into it being quiet.) Next thing I heard was the toilet seat. I ran into the bathroom to find that she had dunked the "Super Grover" shirt into the toilet and was sucking on the wet shirt (something she likes to do with wet washcloths). Needless to say, mom was "grossed out"!! So, the bathroom floor got an extra washing today-as well as Natalie.

For being awake for only 2 1/2 hours, she certainly is a busy little bee...:) I'm ready for a nap.

P.S. Forgot to mention the 5 poopies she had from 4 AM to 1:00 PM too. She saved it all up from the trip:)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Retired Bishop

Well, he did it!!! My hubby Joe was released Sunday as bishop after 5 years and 2 months! It has been quite the journey. He endured to the end, but I could sure tell he was getting tired. It was fun seeing him on Sunday. He was giddy, smiling, took a nap, and even made ribs for dinner! He loves to cook and hasn't for quite awhile. They were yummy.

I am so proud of Joe. He served the Lord well. We have gone through a lot over the past 5 years. When he was called, he was working Sundays at KSL radio, so we never really have known Sundays together. That is probably why last Sunday was so weird to me to have him home and not at meetings. Natalie enjoyed it too. We are looking forward to having him sit beside us again. Bishops are so amazing with all that they have to do.

Joe and I were reminiscing about all the special moments we have experienced. We love our ward and the members in it. We are also grateful to the Lord for his protection. We realize all the many times we were protected from the adversary and blessed with so many blessings during this calling.

We now look forward to whatever adventures the Lord has in store. Maybe Joe will get to now be in the nursery??:)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Natalie's First Licorice Adventure

Here she is trying her very first licorice. I was hesitant to see what would happen, but I thought, hey, what will it hurt??
She was actually enjoying it!
Cutie Patootie. No, she is not a vampire. None of that in our house!
She enjoyed it sooooo much, she was laughing hysterically!! Hmmmm.....too much?? I love this photo!
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Friday, March 13, 2009

Me a Blogger??!!

My first blog entry. Honestly, I NEVER thought I would blog. It never really interested me. Then, my husband mentioned his sister Jen starting one and the biggest reason being to keep a family history and journal. I pondered it for a few days and then felt I needed to do the same. I love to journal, and this is an even funner way to do it. It is even better since I am not a scrapbooker. Honestly, it overwhelms me. So, this is a way to simplify and hopefully put the two together.

It is funny to see how life turns out sometimes. I never thought I would get married as late as I did and then start having children even later. The Lord's timetable is truly not our own. I am grateful though, because He does know what is in our eternal best interest-even when we don't. I have worked as a social worker for thirteen years after getting both a Bachelors and Masters degree in it. A year ago, after finally being blessed with our little Natalie,
I made the scariest leap of faith in a long time. I quit working full-time to be a stay-at-home mommy. It wouldn't have been as scary had my husband had a full-time job, but he only had very part-time work. But, in my heart, I knew it was the right thing to do and the Lord kept telling me to do it. I am so grateful I did. It has truly been the best thing ever. Yes, I have had to make some major adjustments and re-discover myself at times, but have never had so much joy. The Lord also blessed my husband a little while later with a full-time job. I am grateful for his love and support throughout the entire experience and for his sacrifice to keep Natalie and I home. It is still tight, but the blessings FAR outweigh everything else. I am so grateful to such a wonderful Heavenly Father that knows better than us. When we put our complete trust in Him, he truly leads and guides us. I am so thankful for His son, the atonement, their love, and eternal families.